SILVADEC – a passion for innovation since 2001

It has now been 20 years since the company asserted itself as the European leader on the wood composite market. Silvadec has a story to tell you... its own history.

1997: The meeting

For Silvadec, it all starts with a meeting: between its co-founders, Bénédicte Jézéquel, a graduate of the ENSCR (Rennes School of Chemistry) and Philippe Crez, a graduate of the ESCP Business School in Paris. The two meet while at British Vita PLC (now The Vita Group), world leader in the transformation of plastics. They very quickly become friends with their colleague Bruno Teysseyre, now Silvadec's Technical Director


2000 : first steps

Their pioneering spirit, coupled with a desire to act, soon leads the friends to the other side of the Atlantic, where they approach Strandex, a Wisconsin-based engineering firm specialising in wood composite.
Bénédicte and Philippe, convinced of the application potential of this new material and technology that are still non-existent in Europe, sign the licensing agreement, and Silvadec is born in 2001. They explore a number of options, from window surrounds to technical components for skis, before stepping out into the deck boards market.

2001: Beginnings of the adventure in Arzal, Brittany, in a business start-up incubator

From two to three, and then 10 people, Silvadec's story gradually becomes a collective adventure.
Silvadec has to overcome many industrial and technical challenges before mastering its technology perfectly


First extrusion test at the company's headquarters in Arzal, Morbihan

The first extrusion machine is purchased in Austria, and then imported into France. The first profiles are produced : Now we are true pioneers.
It will take a few years of R&D before reaching the optimal formulation, wellspring of the success met by Silvadec's products today.

2003 : Recognition

Winning the gold medal at Batimat, the quintessential international trade exhibition all about building and architecture, enshrined Silvadec's pioneering spirit.

Logos et images du Zoo de Branféré

2004 : Committed construction

Creation of the first HQE (High Quality Environmental – worldwide standard for green building) construction site using Silvadec Elegance deck boards | School for Nature and Man (Branféré, département 56).
Commissioning of a second production line.

2005 : Innovation award, Garden & Landscaping fair (Paris)

Societal commitment: being mindful about including workers with disabilities, in 2005 Silvadec set up a partnership with ESATs (French organisations helping disabled people back into work) near its industrial site.

1er prix de Paysalia

2009 : Moving out and setting up a new factory

We're investing in creating a new site at Arzal.
The production site will be able to accommodate up to 10 extrusion lines. The site also features a new administrative building, plus all the necessary buildings for order preparation and for storage.

2011 : 10 years already!

Europe's number-one manufacturer of wood composite, Silvadec continues its success story as it celebrates 10 years of innovation and ecological commitment, now with a 45-strong team turning over €18 million/year.

opération street marketing

The Batimat exhibition features a bold street marketing move by Silvadec to celebrate its 10th birthday


2013 : PEFC certification is obtained, validating our CSR approach

Silvadec becomes PEFC-certified (European label providing consumers with a guarantee that the wood or the wood-based products bearing this label come from sustainably managed forests).
We are the first PEFC-certified composite manufacturer in Europe. Our suppliers are also working towards gaining the certification.

2014 : Silvadec Fibres is born

Preoccupied by the environmental issues of our time, Bénédicte and Philippe decide to link up with JOSSO, one of the largest sawmills in Brittany located close to Silvadec's headquarters, to create a joint venture called C2J, which became known as Silvadec Fibres a few years later.

A genuine circular economic loop is established as a result, the aim being to secure Silvadec's supply of wood flour from the waste wood chips and sawdust produced by a local sawmill. Because ecological sense is common sense, first and foremost!

Silvadec also becomes Europe's first independent composite manufacturer to hold ISO 14001 certification !

Citation "Le composite nous ouvre les portes de l'innovation"
Ouverture de Silvadec Fibres

Bénédicte Jézéquel, co-founder of Silvadec Fibres (formerly C2J), Carole Delga, Deputy Secretary of State for Trade, Crafts, Consumer Affairs and the Social and Solidarity Economy, and Thierry Huiban, Mayor of Roc Saint-André – Official opening

Lame de terrasse atmosphère en bois composite coextrudée

2015 : Launch of the Atmosphere deck board made from co-extruded wood composite

The company stands out from the rest with its strategy of bold, continuous innovation that reinvents itself constantly to stay a step ahead and adapt to market developments.

2016 : EcoBox by Silvadec, a genuine circular economy model

Since Silvadec was created, we have had an ambitious strategy in place regarding sustainable development, which led us to introduce the EcoBox recycling programme. Thanks to this programme, offcuts of Silvadec® wood composite deck boards can be reintegrated into the production process. The only initiative of its kind in Europe!

Infographie : Schéma de l'EcoBox en lien avec Silvadec
Silvadec en Allemagne

2017 : Germany, a new venture

In 2017, Silvadec Deutschland springs into action in the Bavière region, 70 km from Munich in the town of Schierling. The goal is to increase the production capacity of the main site in Brittany and also serve Eastern European markets more easily. About ten people now work at the Schierling site

2018 : The year of awards!

At the Carrefour International du Bois trade show, we win the innovation prize for our recycling system. The fencing range is also spotlighted, receiving the "Mon jardin & Ma maison" Grand Prix for House and Garden.

Bénédicte Jézéquel reçoit le prix de la Femme entrepreneur.

[Women in Industry awards]

Bénédicte Jézéquel receives the Female Entrepreneur prize, awarded by French business and technology magazine l'Usine Nouvelle.

Terrasses en composite de Silvadec avec FDES

2019 : Our environmental commitment continues!

We are the first French composite supplier to produce an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for decking and cladding.

2020 : A new signature

Silvadec reveals a new brand identity, in alignment with the project led by its founders. It reflects the company we have become, and which we mean to continue to grow.

Silvadec buys the specialist metallurgy company 2JTECH and steps up its social and regional commitment.

citation : "La vie est composite. Laissez parler vos envies"
Nouveau logo de Silvadec

Silvadec receives the MoRE label – MObilised for REcycling – for the first time. This is the first European label awarded to industrial companies that integrate recycled plastic in their production.

2021 : The 20-year milestone – a key moment!

On 29 October 2021, Silvadec's employees and partners join together to celebrate their collective success, a gathering shared with their proud, moved company director, Bénédicte Jézéquel.

On this day, Bénédicte is honoured with the title “Knight of the National Order of Merit”, enshrining her commitment that has carried the company beyond Brittany's borders.

20ans du groupe Silvadec
Mosaique colaborateur Silvadec

Bruno Teysseyre celebrates his 20 years of business and commitment at the heart of Silvadec's adventure!

Jean-Baptiste Fortin and Ruben Mignon, who were instrumental in Silvadec's construction, respectively become Director of the company's Commercial and Marketing Department and Director of the production site in France.


Our environmental approach is recognised once again as we obtain ISO 50001 certification. We have set up a low-carbon energy management system, with our sights set on reducing our energy use.

2022 : boosting our production capacity and ramping up our strategy on sustainable development

Silvadec is proud to employ more than 100 people and to be the French and European leader on the wood composite manufacturing market.

We are achieving an annual turnover of €40 million. With our commercial presence in more than 20 countries, we are a true independent international SME.

Colaborateur Silvadec
Colaborateur Silvadec
Colaborateur Silvadec

Our environmental approach is recognised once again as we obtain ISO 50001 certification. We have set up a low-carbon energy management system, with our sights set on reducing our energy use.

 logo Certification ISO 50001

2023: A Boost for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Since 2022, Maud Jézéquel has joined the Silvadec group as CSR Manager. Her work has enabled us to enhance our business model through the achievement of two significant distinctions:

  • The Bretagne 26000 Label, a regional certification that recognizes both our business model from a social and environmental perspective, and our CSR strategy for the coming years.
  • The Ecovadis Silver Medal, a demanding international certification that marks the first step towards advanced monitoring of our social and environmental indicators, as well as the implementation of extra-financial accounting.

2023: The revolutionary launch of Nuances Ipé!

Silvadec innovates and disrupts the market with Nuances Ipé, a composite decking board that combines the aesthetics of exotic wood while reducing environmental impacts thanks to local production. Our goal: to offer a sustainable alternative to tropical wood while preserving an authentic appearance.


2024: EcoVadis Gold Medal, an international recognition

In October 2024, Silvadec reached a major milestone by earning the EcoVadis gold medal. This distinction places the company in the top 5% of 130,000 companies evaluated worldwide. The certification, which measures CSR performance through environment, social aspects, ethics and responsible purchasing, confirms Silvadec's historical commitment to reasoned and local resource management.

...2025: towards 100% recycled material!

Silvadec is partnering with Acteco Recycling to create Heuliad Environnement, a plant dedicated to plastic waste recycling. This ambitious project will lead to the opening of a fourth production site in Elven (56) in spring 2025, spanning 20,000 m² and benefiting from the support of ADEME and Bpifrance.

Our goal is to secure a supply of recycled polyethylene.

In addition to our wood flour production site, Silvadec Fibres, we aim for production entirely made from recycled and local raw materials.
